Does It Get Greater Later?

I’m not going to lie; Friday and Saturday nights can be difficult for me. What is supposed to be a fun night out with friends suddenly turns into a pile of regret and what ifs as you pummel to figure out exactly what is going on. Why am I still single? I’m more attractive than him, how did he find a boyfriend before me? He has a new guy on his arm every other week, and I can’t even get asked on a date.

What am I doing wrong? Why is this my life?

Then, all of a sudden, you see that 40, 50 or 60-year-old couple in the corner that offers you a glimmer of hope and puts so much into perspective in terms of the pressure that you are putting on yourself to find someone significant. In fact, it makes you question everything. Are we drowning ourselves before the pool gets even halfway full? Most importantly, when it comes to love, does it get greater later?

I’m not sure, but based on how things are going now, I can only hope that it does. If this is the peak, then I’m screwed. Scratch that, I’m completely fucked and not the way I would like to be.

Honestly, the more you think about it, the more sense it makes. Reaching a point in life where you are past the drama and just really want someone to indulge in the pleasures of life with sounds exhilarating. I’m already in that space, but I’m also realistic enough to know that most of the people in my age bracket aren’t.

In an age of where open relationships are more prominent than closed ones, it isn’t the least bit surprising that older guys are the ones that actually have this thing figured out. After all, with age comes wisdom or at least it should. Maybe single life is actually the best life for me right now. I guess time will tell!